Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christopher nolan

Christopher Nolan began making films at the age of seven using his father’s super 8mm camera and an assortment of male-action figures..
Usually starts films with a flashback or a scene from the end of the movie…
Frequently uses hard cuts when transitioning to the next scenes. This is most prominent in his films from ‘Batman Begins’ onward, especially in ‘The Dark Knight’, where, in some instances, the hard cuts he uses will go so far as to nearly cut off character’s lines in order to quickly and efficiently get to the next scene…..
“The best actors instinctively feel out what the other actors need, and they just accommodate it.” – commenting on working with actors who have distinctively different styles.
…I studied English Literature. I wasn’t a very good student, but one thing I did get from it, while I was making films at the same time with the college film society, was that I started thinking about the narrative freedoms that authors had enjoyed for centuries and it seemed to me that filmmakers should enjoy those freedoms as well.
As soon as television became the only secondary way in which films were watched, films had to adhere to a pretty linear system, whereby you can drift off for ten minutes and go and answer the phone and not really lose your place.
  • Momento (2000)
  • The Pestige(2006)
  • The Dark Knight(2008)
  • Inception(2010)

Momento-IMDB Rating 8.7
A man, suffering from short-term memory loss, uses notes and tattoos to hunt for the man he thinks killed his wife.

The prestige-IMDB Rating 8.4

The rivalry between two magicians is exacerbated when one of them performs the ultimate illusion.

The Dark Knight-IMDB Rating 8.9
Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent are forced to deal with the chaos unleashed by an anarchist mastermind known only as the Joker, as it drives each of them to their limits.

Inception-IMDB Rating 9.0
In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job till date, Inception.

Great diector with critical mind....Eagerly waiting for The Dark Knight Rises(2012)
To know more about to go

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